Klaus Schwab – Admits Building Back Better is the Great Reset – Listen to all these Global Puppets

1 year ago

Listen to all these Klause Schwab Global Young Leaders little puppets advocating the for the Great Reset which is building their One World Order by getting all the world's leaders working in Lockstep with Agenda 30.

It is all about Depopulation and Enslavement.

*Remember: Trump, Klaus Schwab and Wilber Ross are good buddies. Trump's daughter, Ivanka, very tight with Schwab also as she IS a Global Young Leader right out of the Schwab school to control the masses. Ivanka was and still is great friends with Chelsea Clinton who is also a GYL. Ivanka's husband -- Jared is ANTICHRISTIAN.

Yes, it is a grand conspiracy directed at the masses.

The Great Reset is resetting the population to their standards.

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