EXPOSED! - Projecting Psychopath Lectures About Psychopathy

1 year ago




When the mother of my child posted a video of herself listing the warning signs and traits of a psychopath (directed toward me) along with footage of two encounters she had with British police, I felt obligated to respond. Both for the sake of my reputation and as a public service. Psychopaths live among us and some are exceedingly good at hiding it.

This woman falsely accusing me of everything under the sun to keep my son and I apart has been bad enough, but here she's going beyond mere slander. She's trying to prop herself up as a victim to rally sympathy and general support. And it's disgusting in light of what she's done.

In truth, she is a psychopath in denial. More specifically, I believe her specific condition to be histrionic personality disorder. I do not have an expertise in psychology, so take that with a grain of salt. But it does fit remarkably well.

"Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a condition marked by intense, unstable emotions and a distorted self-image. People with HPD often don't realize their behavior and way of thinking are problematic."

My hope is that she finds a way to humble herself and takes a good hard look in a mirror. Because as things stand today, she presents as an extreme risk to our son and I will exercise my sole custody order to the fullest to shield him from any potential repeats of the past.

She is everything she has accused me of being and then some. From hiring a man to murder me to violently abducting my son, this takedown was long, long overdue.

Only liars fear the truth.

DISCLAIMER: I do not think mental illness should bar someone from parenting, but when a mother hires someone to kill the father, violently abducts the child resulting in long-term trauma, when she been proven to be otherwise unhinged and dangerous… yeah. All rights go out the window. I have every right to defend my character. And expose hers. I won't be posting videos of her going forward. More UK court bullshit coming soon!

(1) St Helens - Trespassing Incident
Misrepresented by @corruptionwatchuk

(2) "I'm a victim of human trafficking!"

#parentalalienation #toxicmother #toxicmothers #misandry #hypocrisy #denial #psychopathy #gethelp #feminazi #projections #projectionmapping #falseaccusations #feministas #pathological #pathology #falselyaccused #fathersrights #fathersrightmovement #fyp #viral #soundoffreedom #childabuseawareness

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