Israel Moments | The Elect (Chosen) People Will Not Be Deceived

8 months ago

Israel Moment #27 - The Elect (Chosen) People Will Not Be Deceived
Hello this is Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist church in Tempe Arizona. And Today I want to talk about Mathew 24:24, because I want to go through a lot of mentions of the word "elect" in the New Testament, just to show you that this word "elect" is referring to believers in Jesus Christ, under the new covenant. It's not referring unto the physical nation of Israel. Now why is that important? Because the word elect means "chosen". For example, if we were to "elect" a president, that means we have chosen a president. So when the Bible calls us as believers, "God's Elect", He is saying that we are the chosen people.
But yet today, Christians don't think that we as saved, born again believers are God's chosen people. They say "No, no, no, the Jews are God's chosen people". They will point to UNBELIEVING, unregenerate Israel and say that THEY are God's chosen people. "They're God's elect". But that's not what the Bible teaches. Let me just show you one quick example in this moment, and in the next moments I will show you more. But in Mathew 24:24, we see the word "elect" come up in the New Testament, and it says "There shall arise false christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders insomuch that IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, they shall deceive the very elect." So according to that scripture, in the end times there will be false christs and false prophets that will be so convincing that IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, they would deceive the very elect. Which means that it's not possible. And that tells us right there that no believer in Christ is going to fall for the anti-Christ. None of the elect are going to be deceived by a false Christ like the anti-Christ.
But wait a minute. People are trying to tell us today that the elect here is "referring to Israel, it's referring to the Jews." Well guess what? The Jews have already believed in an anti-Christ. They've already fallen for a false Christ, because they're looking for a mythical Messiah other than Jesus. They've rejected Jesus as the Messiah, and they're looking for some other false Messiah that's going to come and be the "real messiah", because they don't believe in Jesus. Why would we believe that this is talking about the Jews in Mathew 24:24, when it says that it's impossible for them to be deceived by false prophets and false christs.
Look, every Rabbi is a false prophet. So the Jews are being deceived by false prophets every day. Israel is deceived by false prophets and a false messiah that they're looking for every day. Therefore, Mathew 24:24 CANNOT be referring to the "Jews" or Israel, when it says "the elect" there, "not being deceived", it can only be referring to a Holy Spirit indwelt born again child of God, because we as Christians will not be deceived by the anti-Christ. We're saved, we have the Holy Ghost. And we've been enlightened, we will not be deceived. But listen, the Jews are already deceived.
Main Scripture/s Mathew 24:24
DO NOT GO TO It has been taken over by reprobates.

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