Rogue Sheriff snatches journalists phone and trespasses him

1 year ago

This came from Good Citizen. He went to do a 1A audit at the sedgwick County health department. And it started out fine. Then the ignorant employees that work there started whining and asking him to leave and threatened him with calling the police. When they had no reason or rogue to ask him to leave. All these problems amd issues would be solved alot quicker and cheaper if these dumb public employees would a understand their job correctly but understand their job and our rights. Blows my mind at how many of these fools work for the people, yet don't know any of our rights or freedoms? That sheriff had no business grabbing his phone or trespassing him. How can you trespass him from a building he pays for... for no real reason? Feelings arnt a reason. Go show him some love and remember these videos are for news and educational purposes. He says all charges have been dropped and all property was returned

Good Citizens channel

Original vids

Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office
141 W Elm St, Wichita, KS 67203
+1 316-660-3900

Their fb

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