GLA Demolition General: C&C Untitled (Generals Zero Hour Mod) Let's Play

8 months ago

In this mod The Demolition General of the GLA receives a lot of edits, including unique units, his arsenal focuses on explosives including a MBT that can use explosive or anti-tank rounds and can be upgraded to fire multiple rockets at it's target in addition to 1 of the 2 different ammo types. The Tunnel building can be turned into 2 different base defenses, a direct fire rocket launcher and the "Stuka launcher" which fires a large rocket with splash damage. There is also the heavy Cobra Tank which has a mortar that can handle massed infantry with the mortar turret on it's tank gun.

Units Include: Luchador (a light tank with wheels, can fire 2 different ammo types and be upgraded with rockets), Battle Bus (this general has a version that can demo traps at the cost of a garrison slot, also expensive), Cobra Tank (Heavy tank with 2 different weapons), Itzan (artillery unit), Toxin Tractor (this faction doesn't have the toxin upgrade to give to it and it doesn't exactly look like a farming tractor with this unit), Pantsir (Heavy Anti-Air, very expensive), RPG Trooper (has a different portrait from the normal GLA's RPG Trooper and can be upgraded with HEAT rockets).

The mod can be found on ModDB, look it up. The old C&C games as part of the Ultimate Collection can be found on the Official EA App. Please look up the C&C Untitled on ModDB. It is also possible to procure C&C Untitled through the GenLauncher tool for C&C Generals Zero Hour which can be found on ModDB (where it also has the 1920 1080 resolution).

I do not know of any phone version, I played/recorded this on a PC.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This video looks at the GLA Demolition general of the C&C Untitled mod for Generals Zero Hour.

1:20: I like how the description calls this unit a absolute mad lad willing to die for the GLA.

1:55: The Luchador is the Demolition General's unique main battle tank.

2:33: The Luchador has 2 different shells it can use as a attack mode.

3:41: Let's not have our vehicles explode when they die and damage our other vehicles.

4:16: The Black Markets are for upgrading some of our units with scrap.

5:00: The Demolition General has a different set of base defenses he can turn his Tunnel buildings into.

5:07: The Stuka is a type of plane the Germans used in World War II

5:32: Going to upgrade some of our vehicles with scrap so that you'll get to see what they look like upgraded.

6:24: Upgrading more vehicles.

7:16: Scrap upgraded the toxin tractor.

8:28: The Pantsir Anti-Air unit is looking pretty badass right now.

9:08: The Bomb truck does no damage, must be a glitch or something

9:27: The Scorpion Tank MK1 are summonable units.

10:09: The last of the scrap upgrades.

10:30: Now we attack.

11:58: Yes that was a censorship beep, the mod creators put that in.

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