The Beginning of a Great Depression! - The David Knight Show

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Arctic Ice grows as 80% of USA is below freezing but the Climate MacGuffin agenda is melting in front of our eyes:
• EV graveyards as cold weather prevents charging
• Texas grid teeters on failure as windmills freeze again — from NO wind
• Don't wash clothes" pleads desperate MIS-managers of grid
• Local communities across America are NULLIFYING the globalist green agenda
(43:29) Humorless Tyrants Demand End to Jokes and Tobogganing "Raptors Ahead!". You've seen the road signs hacked, but the feds are demanding NO HUMOR by state officials in their signs. And in Toronto, the safety nannies declare hills off limits to tobogganing — another sign of the times

(59:12) Cherokee tribes want to rename Clingman's Dome, the highest point in the Smoky Mountains. Why was it named after Clingman and who was he?

(1:04:30) NY State pushed banks and globalist NGOs to create a code to track gun and ammo purchases. None of the GOP presidential candidates even mention it BUT constitutional states are nullifying it. The power of local control

(1:14:28) Soros AG's demand Biden restrict AR-15 ammo but pulling financial strings on a major ammo supplier to military. And, Dem congressional members introduce bills to prohibit militias based on the J6 trap laid by Trump & Alex Jones

(1:30:53) Vivek Rhymes with Fake — His True Story Deeply embedded into the pandemic lockdown-and-inject agenda, what does he REALLY want? And, where in the world is Melania? Here's what Donald says…

(1:47:53) Nikki Haley loves Gates and declared her love of the man and his vaccine "philanthropy" at the beginning of the pandemic MacGuffin

(1:50:00) From the beginning of the Iowa campaign to the victory speech at the end, everyone is wondering "Where in the world is Melania?" Donald makes an absurd excuse using Barron's height…

(1:54:30) Even 60 Minutes is FINALLY talking about the massive financial event of Commercial Real Estate crash from the Trump/DARPA/Davos lockdown

(1:56:51) China's stock market is in free fall like Building 7. Some interesting parallels to the beginning of the Great Depression

(2:05:13) INTERVIEW "The Newsom Nightmare" & Taking Back Congress from Bottom-Up Whether or not Newsom runs for President in 2024 or later, his policies have a massive influence in all of America. And, power has become too concentrated in Congress. But how do we take it back when they won't give it back?
John Cox, author, attorney, CPA and former candidate for CA Governor joins to talk about his book, "The Newsom Nightmare" that covers both Newsom and Cox's movement, to take back power from the grassroots up

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