Vitamin B3 For Healthy Cholesterol [Drug Free] 2024

11 months ago

Take B3 For Healthy Cholesterol

Did you know that Vitamin B3 Niacin in the form of Nicotinic Acid
may actually help cholesterol be healthy without Statins?

1. Nicotinic Acid may help reduce small particle LDL (Atherogenic)
Increase big particle LDL (Safe & Normal).
- Small Particle LDL is Oxidized and Glycated which can cause problems with Arteries.
- Small particle LDL pierces the Intima, Macrophages come but get stuck, and Foam cell build up
over time, clogging an artery [Myocardial Infarction]. (Too Much Sugary Carbs & Seed Oils)
2. Increase in HDL (Good Cholesterol) because it will last longer with B3 to take more
Oxidized / Glycated LDL back to the Liver to be detoxed. (Hepatic Lipase Inhibition)
3. Decreases Triglycerides. High Tgs are often associated with increased risk of
Chronic Heart Disease. Usually, a diet high in sugary carbs.
- B3 helps breakdown Triglycerides into Glycerol & Free Fatty Acids for energy.

Why can this be important for Diabetics?
- Diabetics have Insulin Signaling Dysfunction, Insulin is a mechanism responsible for
signaling Hepatic Lipase, besides Exercising and Dietary factors.

Why Are Statins Useless?
I. Does not get rid of Oxidized and Glycated LDL. The stuff that actually clogs your heart.
II. Gets rid of normal particle sized LDL. The LDL that is not bad.
III. HMG-CoA Reductase blocked, thus reducing overall Cholesterol in the body.
- Why is this bad? Mevalonate pathway is required for Energy & Hormones.
IV. Muscle Pain and Soreness as the body CANNOT make Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10).
V. Associated with Alzheimer's Disease in later life.
VI. People still die of Heart Disease while on this drug. LOL!
VII. This is a Multi-Billion $ Drug, easily defeated by the B3 form of Nicotinic Acid
VII. Most related studies are funded directly or indirectly by these companies.

Nicotinic Acid
- Low-Dose non-Immediate Release of 50mg or 100mg for maintenance
- Do not take big doses unless instructed by your doctor.
- May Cause Flushing, Redness, Itchy Skin, as Prostaglandins 2 are activated to fight inflammation.
- It is not known if other forms of B3 will help with Cholesterol.
- Works better with a Whole Foods Low Carb diet, no Junk Foods or Fast Food.

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