Top 5 Worst Diet ADVICE OF ALL TIME (2024)

11 months ago

Top 5 Worst Diet Advice of all Time
1. Eat only 30g of protein a day - Nope!
- You need protein for more than just Muscle Synthesis!
- This is just the bare minimum for Synthesis!
- Making Enzymes, Antibodies, Hemoglobin, Collagen,
DNA, RNA, Detoxing, Nitric Oxide, Wound Healing, Neuron Repair,
Neurotransmitters, Transport Proteins, Keratin, Energy.
- Hormones = Thyroid SH, Oxytocin, Insulin, Growth Hormone, Antidiuretic Hormone,
Follicle Stimulating Hormone FSH and Luteinizing Hormone LH, Prolactin

2. All Protein is the same - Nope!
- Protein isn't just protein, remember that proteins are made out of amino acids!
- There are Complete Proteins with all necessary Amino Acids that come from
rich sources of Meat, Eggs, Fish, and Dairy Products.
- There are foods that do not have all necessary Amino Acids that are mostly
plant-based foods. Exceptions are, Quinoa, Soy, Buckwheat, Hemp, and Amaranth,
however, these Complete Proteins are still low in amino acids.
- Specific Amino Acids play a role. Leucine for Muscle Growth, Glycine for Collagen,
Tryptophan for Melatonin, Tyrosine for Thyroid, Arginine for Nitric Oxide, and
Cysteine to make Glutathione for detoxing.

3. Seed Oils are Healthy Oils & Prevent Heart Disease - Nope!
- Since the big switch to seed oils back in the 80s and 90s we have seen that
Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer has gone up.
- This was suppose to Eliminate Heart Disease by lowering LDL, it failed.
- Seed Oils are highly inflammatory as they are high in Omega 6 Fatty acids.
- Increase Insulin Resistance promoting Obesity.
- Is Metabolized into Toxic metabolic by-products like Malondialdehyde which may
cause people to go bald & People get nasty sunburns as it oxidizes the skin.

4. Saturated Fat is the Root Cause of all Evil! Makes you fat!
Sole Reason For Heart Attacks and Die Early! - Nope!
- Saturated Fat increases LDL cholesterol but is not the cause of Heart Attacks, it is Glycated and Oxidized LDL
from high sugar. People with higher LDL and balanced blood sugar tend to live longer.
- They are finding Macrophages turning into Foam Cells after trying to take Glycated Oxidized LDL
which may be the reason for Thrombosis (Blood Clots).
- Required for Hormone Health, makes every Cell Membrane, Protects your Neurons, Energy, Transports Vitamins
- Body fat is used up for energy if you are fat adapted. Mixing high fat and high carbs make you fatter, if you
believe in the Randle Cycle.

5. Vegan / Vegetarian Diet is Healthy for all people - Nope!
- Lack of B12, Zinc, Calcium that is not Oxalate, Iron, & Amino Acids. This is if done well.
- People are not taught about properly preparing plant-based foods to reduce the amount of plant defense
chemicals, to open up more available nutrients, and to maximize their nutrients.
- Spirulina & Chlorella may help. Supplementation is necessary. Only okay for Spiritual reasons.
- If it works for you then do it. If you fall off the wagon, please add back some sort of meat.
- Don't be forced into a diet because it is a fad, you get peer pressured into it, or bullied into it.
- Do your own experimentation to see what works best with you because we are all different and unique people.
- Whether you are Keto, Carnivore, Vegan, Vegetarian, or whatever, change it up if you do not feel good on your
diet, find an awesome nutritionist like me to help you.

- Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor or RD, I am an NTP, doing an educational video on nutritional myths.
- I am legally not able to treat, prescribe, cure, or diagnose clients. I explain Nutritional Concepts
to people and support my clients through their Nutrition, diet, and lifestyle wellness changes.
- My advice is only applicable to my own Clients and should not be construed as anything else.
- Get advice from your Doctor and see a Nutritionist to help support your health journey.
- This Disclaimer extends to all videos on this channel.

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