Disease X - The only way it can kill you is if you inject it!

1 year ago

Dr Judy: How did I know we had disease X on the Sunday after Thanksgiving in 2014? Because I own the patents for the detection and the patents for the cures and have since 2011.

TV Speaker: Scientists from the UK are putting their effort into developing a vaccine for this potentially deadly pathogen.

Clay Clark: OK, Dr Judy, they're developing a vaccine for disease X before disease X even exists. What the hell is going on there chief?

Dr Judy: disease X is right here. It always was XMRVs. A plague of corruption. It's in our book, XMRV. X. Disease, x. It's all about the X chromosome and epigenetics. They even made a hat at the Cleveland Clinic sponsored by Abbott Labs, November 10 2009. When John coffin Oh, there in the UK, Jonathan Stoye of Wellcome Trust, they wrote a little op ed article that accompanied that October 23 2009 science paper where we showed you how they changed the variance of disease x in order to make cancer spread like mycoplasma, then we put it right in the book. It's in an email to the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute that says: Are you kidding me? Cancer that spells and spreads like mycoplasma and you did it and it's all right there in 2009. We got a great hat. It says XMRV.
They literally, the government, your NIH, John Coffin, Wellcome Trust the UK Jonathan Stoye, they were selling hats and shirts about disease X and that XMRV virus. COVID is and always was premeditated murder. Part HIV. Part XMRV and SARS. ... We've got you now boys because we've got the cures!

I had fun with Clay Clark today! It's all about XMRV. Gotcha!

Watch the full interview at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZYe3EepGdbPW/

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