What Marie Likes: Books, The Josephine B Trilogy by Sandra Gulland.

1 year ago

What Marie Likes: Books, The Josephine B Trilogy by Sandra Gulland. Witchcraft of Lady Liberty, astare, queen of "heaven"? Does Torah prove the history of nations?
The Josephine B. Trilogy comprises three acclaimed,bestselling novels that draw the reader into the delicate yet passionaterelationship between Josephine and Napoleon Bonaparte: The Many Lives& Secret Sorrows of Josephine B.; Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe;and The Last Great Dance on Earth. Together in this omnibusedition, they form an irresistible epic, tracing Josephine’s transformationfrom impressionable young girl to canny and compassionate wife, to confidanteempress and one of the most sophisticated and powerful women in history.

Adored by readers of historical fiction, the Josephine novels are a sweeping tale of love and loss, political intrigue and revolution duringone of the most tumultuous periods in European history. (from Amazon )

Dear Friends and Families,

In an effort to create a shared reading experience throughout our whole community, we have selected to share some of the many books we have enjoyed on a variety of topics. Some might be chapter books, some books are religious, educational, or just to enjoy with a hot cup of tea. The goal of this project or page is to encourage home reading experiences by supplying every family, friend, co-workers, strangers in the grocery store, and subscriber with the opportunity for a motivating, exciting, shared book adventure!

Some might be thinking, ” purchasing books is expense.” There happens to exist several location both online and in person to purchase books or even get books for free.

I use Thriftbooks.com (discount link: https://www.thriftbooks.com/share/?co... ), to purchase used books online. #Funfact Teachers get a discount, yes even homeschool teachers. I also enjoy library book sales, local book fairs, book clubs, friends of the library by city, as well as free library under a tree; just to name a few when searching for low price books.
… just a glimpse.

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With Love,
… just a glimpse.

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With Love,

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