Let's Play - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Azure Moon, maddening) part 32

1 year ago

0:29 - Paralogue: Dividing the World
3:20 - Preparations
17:23 - Battle
26:49 - We saved one of the soldiers
35:02 - We lost one of the soldiers
48:02 - Victory
48:45 - Post-battle cutscene

Chapter 10: Where the Goddess Dwells

Almyrans have invaded Fodlan's Throat and the Goneril soldiers go to hold them. Holst is too sick to join the fight and the dad can't help either, so it's up to Hilda, Cyril and the rest of us to protect Fodlan's locket.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a game exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.

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Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, video game, videogame, playthrough, walkthrough, strategy RPG, Switch, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, Fire Emblem, FE3H, female Byleth, Prince Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Dedue Molinaro, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ashe Ubert, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Mercedes von Martritz, Hilda Valentine Goneril, Yuri Leclerc, Hapi, Shamir Nevrand, Cyril, Anna, defend the border, Almyran boy doesn't like his own country and thinks this fighting for fun is idiotic, lazy girl doesn't like big scary axes, hero's relic, Freikugel, Fodlan's Throat, Leicester Alliance, part thirty-two,

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