FLASHBACK: Fauci says take away people’s rights so they’ll ‘willingly’ get vaccinated

1 year ago

10 SEP 2021. Anthony Fauci tells NBC’s Lester Holt that the public will hopefully get the COVID jabs voluntarily. For those that don’t, we should take away their rights so that they will ‘willingly’ comply.

The definition of ‘willingly’ is “In a willing manner; with free will; without reluctance; cheerfully.” So he says we should force people to do ‘out of their free will’ what they refuse to do out of their own free will. Forced voluntary behavior. Big Brother would be proud of this double speak.

Fauci also supports mandatory COVID jabs for children of 12 years and older in order to be allowed to attend school. He said this at a time when all of the following was known beyond any reasonable doubt:

1. Children essentially belong to the no-risk group for ‘COVID’

2. The COVID jab does not reduce transmission

3. The COVID jab can have severe and even lethal adverse effects

While it is always disgraceful to force someone to take a risk in order to protect others (“Where there’s a risk there should be a free choice”), it is even worse if the person (1) cannot possibly have any personal benefit, (2) the treatment does not benefit others, (3) the treatment has known and potential severe risks.

Oh, and any kind of pressure to undergo a medical treatment is strictly forbidden under the Nuremberg Code.

Of course it’s also illogical to force someone to get jabbed in order to protect the people who are already jabbed. Doesn’t their jab protect them already?

In short, jab mandates are unscientific, unethical, illegal, and illogical.

SOURCE: https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/dr-fauci-weighs-in-on-covid-vaccine-mandates-booster-shots-and-more-120537669663

Mirrored - frankploegman

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