#12: Gianna Jessen

1 year ago

Gianna Jessen joins STAND to share her awe-inspiring journey of surviving an abortion procedure, persevering through the cerebral palsy caused by it, and becoming an international pro-life advocate.

Gianna endured the impossible--burning alive in a saline chemical abortion--and emerged with a story so powerful it has changed the very fabric of the abortion debate. Our conversation with Gianna explores the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of love and faith.

As she shares her encounters with her biological mother and the transformative effect of her adoptive family's unwavering support, we're reminded that life's greatest challenges can lead to the most extraordinary blessings.

Gianna's commitment to running marathons and her fight for the Born Alive Infant Protection Act stand as testaments to what can be accomplished when we refuse to be defined by our limitations or circumstances.

This episode also sheds light on the complex emotional landscape for women post-abortion and the urgent need for compassionate support systems. Gianna encourages us to join forces in the advocacy for life, both for parents and unborn children.

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