Did NASA Fake the Moon Landing? Part 1

1 year ago

Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing television programs, documentaries, music videos, TV commercials, and stage plays for over thirty-five years, starting at the age of eighteen, hosting his own television talk show.

Sibrel has owned five video production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks, worked as a television news reporter, and produced videos shown on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, TLC, USA, and BET.

Sibrel has also appeared as a seasoned actor on the stage and screen over five hundred times. Articles featuring Sibrel's films have been published in Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today. His awards from the American Motion Picture Society include Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Top Ten Director.

Sibrel grew up as the biggest fan of the purported "moon landings", yet gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification. In Sibrel's mind, as well as many others, the claim that NASA walked on the moon on the very first attempt with 1960's technology, which only had one-millionth the computing power of a cell phone, when today with five decades of better technology NASA can only send astronauts one-thousandth the distance to the moon, simply defies logic.

Sibrel believes that a religious attachment to the emotional event is what prevents people from waking up to the deplorable reality. Bart Sibrel has appeared as guest commentator about the moon landing fraud and to discuss his films “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” and “Astronauts Gone Wild” on NBC, FOX, CNN, HBO, Geraldo, The Daily Show, The Abrams Report, and Coast to Coast. In his memoir Moon Man Bart Sibrel reveals, for the very first time, the official CIA code name for the real Apollo project, the military base where the first staged "moon landing" was filmed, and the names of fifteen United States government scientists and officials who were in attendance for the first moon landing falsification, some of whom are still alive today. This information was given to Sibrel by the Chief of Security of this secretive military base, who confessed his regrettable participation in this despicable government fraud on his deathbed. Moon Man also reveals Bart Sibrel's real-life espionage adventures investigating the CIA's greatest secret, including his discovery of privately recorded audio of an astronaut plotting Sibrel's assassination by the CIA, which would not be necessary if they really went to the moon.

Bart Sibrel is convinced that until the moon landing fraud is exposed, all the governments of the world will continue to rob the people under their care of not only the truth, yet also of their hard earned money, which continues to this day to finance their own deception.

Find out more about Bart at: https://www.sibrel.com

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