Poseidon's Trident, The Vel Spear, Caduceus, & The Rod of Asclepius Explained.

1 year ago

In this video we dive deep into the symbolism contained within various symbols related to Kundalini. In this video we will focus on the symbols of the Vel Spear, The Caduceus, Poseidon's Trident, & The Rod of Asclepius. All of these symbols have very deep meaning and sadly it goes right over the head of most people, including the so called experts! We need to learn to read between the lines so that we can see symbols for what they are, not for what they appear to be on the cover of the book so to speak. Symbols lead in specific directions that force the observer to make observations and connect the dots. They are ancient codes of sorts that need to the observer is supposed to decode. Potent symbols never just tell you up front the hidden meaning contained within it. If that were the case, they would not be symbols. We can look at the artwork, religious edifices, artifices, temples, armor and weapons of ancient cultures to start our journey into the realm of ancient symbolism. When we begin our journey into decoding these objects, if the researcher does his or her homework properly, they will soon be flooded with the understanding that our not-so-distant ancient ancestors were obsessed with kundalini and the human body. We will talk about this in greater detail in the near future.

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