17 Jan 24, The Terry & Jesse Show: Pope Calls for a "Revolution" In Theology

1 year ago

Today's Topics:

1, 2, 3, 4) Gospel - Mk 3:1-6 - Jesus entered the synagogue. There was a man there who had a withered hand. They watched Jesus closely to see if He would cure him on the sabbath so that they might accuse Him. He said to the man with the withered hand, "Come up here before us." Then He said to the Pharisees, "Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?" But they remained silent. Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately took counsel with the Herodians against Him to put Him to death.

Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
Saint Anthony, pray for us!

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

Matthew Arnold joins Terry to discuss a new backwards and poor theology based in error being promulgated in today's Church

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