1 year ago

Far too long have we allowed morally & spiritually bankrupt mainstream sources of information, dogmatic approaches towards health and medicine, contradictory religious ideologies, bad dietary choices and habits, corrupt government officials, and unnatural living to steer the direction in our lives. It's time we take back our power and steer the ship in the proper direction. In order to do this however, we must reattain the strong foundation of common sense which sadly, we seem to have lost. Common sense is not so common they say. I would agree with this statement 10,000 fold.

Ever since the true beginning of the industrial revolution, human health has skyrocketed in a downhill fashion at an alarming rate. Large scale manufacturing of processed goods has allowed practically everybody to have 24/7 access to processed foods. In the past 100 years there has been an unprecedented speed in the production of foods laced with pesticides, herbicide, fungicide, larvacide, chemical additives, heavy metals, fortified iron and other minerals and synthetic additives such as lab-created vitamins ( often in the wrong form i.e: vitamin d2 in commercially produced milk instead of d3 ), excessive sugar and processed/refined carbohydrates, and a mulittude of other unnatural additives such as the infamous " natural flavors " which is a blanket term to hide more than 50 + toxic additives.

These foods are having a direct effect on our genetic makeup. We are being consecutively weakened on a bio-physical/genetic make up by the bad foods we eat, the bad air we breath, and the bad water that we drink. Aside from this we are exposed to a massive amount of electromagnetic fields, much more than our grand parents as a matter of fact. All of these unnatural things are having, have had, and will continue to have a very bad effect on the evolution of our genetic code. Much like Pottenger's Cat's - we are being weakened on a genetic level from the slop we eat and the toxic, EMF laden environment that most of us are currently living in.

The system masters, those that run the world know exactly what they are doing and have intentionally set up the living parameters in a way that closely resembles some type of genetic experiment - a test of sorts.

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