WHO Treaty - our lives depend on it.

9 months ago

Unelected Elites, oligarchs, and philanthropists are attempting to create a singularity in a one-word globalist, authoritarian, totalitarian style governance on the globe through stealth tactics of being the ruler of health and how it is managed by governments selling out the public by binding aggreements which relinguish their power to have complete control of health of all citizens on earth.

Although on X, experts are warning of a critical break in the chain of protecting citizens from the Orwellian and social engineering and conditioning that disables them from understanding the full extent of the crisis all 194 UN member countries are experiencing from the macro-economic system through to now the industrial health complex.

Trans-pacific Partnership:

Extension of non-patent forms of intellectual property protection. The TPP would require signatory countries to consider as trade secrets all clinical trial data submitted to regulatory agencies supporting a drug product’s claims of safety and efficacy [7]. The practice of protecting test data generated from clinical trials (sometimes called data exclusivity) is controversial because it reinforces prescription drug patent monopolies.

Since the term of data protection runs independently of the term of patent protection, a prescription drug product may therefore remain insulated from competition due to data exclusivity despite the expiration of the patent. Test data protection can also prevent generic competitors from “inventing around” pharmaceutical patents and offering lower-cost versions of the drug.

For the lamen:
The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is an agreement that makes countries treat certain types of valuable information, like clinical trial data for medicines, as trade secrets. This means they have to keep this data confidential. This practice is controversial because it helps drug companies keep their monopolies even after their patents expire, making it hard for cheaper generic versions of medicines to enter the market.





Denis Rancourt



Bret Weinstein

Phillip Buckhaults
Phd Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr John Campbell


Alex Jones - Barry Young

NZ Deaths

Dr Paul Thomas




- Surveillance powers
- Determination of treatments
- Lockdowns and closing borders
- Vaccine mandates
- Vaccine distribution
- Redistribution of national resources
- Mass Censorship

All decided by The World Health Organisation

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