Using pet food to show how you need to leave behind government indoctrination facilities

8 months ago

I was in the pet food aisle of one of my local grocery stores the other day and noticed how 99% of dog and cat food is meat-based respective to each animal’s natural cravings (dogs for meat, cats for fish). There is no such thing as a vegan dog or cat unless the owner of it feeds it solely veggie-based food or what not. Similarly, there is no such thing as an LGBT kid unless the parent / family / government employee creates that behavior for the kid. If you are in a school that pushes this trash or have a kid in one of these schools, get them out now. Wipe the dust from your feet as a testimony against them, lest they repent and turn to Jesus before they burn in hell for all eternity for mocking GOD. GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED!

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