"Wild Waves" (1929 Original Black & White Cartoon)

1 year ago

Dive into the animated excitement of "Wild Waves," a Mickey Mouse short film that made a splash on December 18, 1929, as part of the ever-popular Mickey Mouse film series. As the fifteenth Mickey Mouse short to be produced and the twelfth for that year, this classic animation marks the end of an era as it was the last to be released by Celebrity Productions before Columbia Pictures took over distribution.

Join Mickey Mouse in a thrilling aquatic adventure that captures the essence of early Disney animation. Experience the magic of "Wild Waves," where each frame brings to life the timeless charm of one of the most beloved characters in animation history. 🐭🌊🎥 #MickeyMouse #DisneyAnimation #WildWaves #ClassicCartoon #MickeyMouseShort

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