"Mickey's Follies" (1929 Original Black & White Cartoon)

1 year ago

Get ready for a musical extravaganza with "Mickey's Follies," a classic Mickey Mouse animated short film released on August 28, 1929, as part of the beloved Mickey Mouse film series. Directed by Ub Iwerks and Wilfred Jackson, with the enchanting musical touch of Carl Stalling, this timeless animation was the tenth Mickey Mouse short to be produced and the seventh for that year.

Join Mickey Mouse in a toe-tapping performance as he sings the catchy song "Minnie's Yoo-Hoo." This song became the opening theme for Mickey Mouse cartoons from "The Jazz Fool" (1929) until "Mickey's Steam Roller" (1934). Mickey's singing voice, provided by an anonymous studio employee, adds an extra layer of charm to this delightful cartoon.

Experience the joy of classic Disney animation with "Mickey's Follies," where music, laughter, and the magic of Mickey Mouse come together in perfect harmony! 🎶🐭🎥 #MickeyMouse #DisneyAnimation #MickeysFollies #ClassicCartoon #MickeyMouseShort

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