FluVid-19 Full Documentary

1 year ago

'FLUVID-19' "Full Documentary" released July 3, 2023. 'Covid-19', 'FLUVID-19', 'Coronavirus', Medical Documentary.

Expose All Medical Corruption


FLUVID-19 (Documentary)

Fluvid-19 Trailer:

Fluvid-19 (www.fluvid-19.com)

#Vaccine #Vaccine Injuries #Genotoxicity #Infertility #mRNA #Gene Therapy #Informed Consent #Adverse Effects #Excess Mortality #Mandates #Bioweapon #Shedding #Depopulation #VAERS #SIDS #SADS #VAIDS #Spike Protein #Pfizer #Moderna #AstraZeneca #Eugenics #Lab Leak #5G #Hydroxychloroquine #Remdesivir #Paxlovid #Flu Shot #Natural Immunity #Eugenics #Cancer #NanoTech #Nanowires #Morgellons #Transhuman #Transhumanism #Gain of Function #Immune System #Blood Clots #Myocarditis #Lockdowns #Luciferase #CDC #FDA #WHO #CCP #World Health Organization #WHO Pandemic Treaty #World Economic Forum #Depopulation #New World Order #Pandemic #Bill Gates #Klaus Schwab #Eugenics #Monkeypox #Biopharmaceutical #Mass Psychosis Formation #Totalitarianism #Cognitive Dissonance #Nuremberg #Vaccine Passports #Excess Deaths


The CDC, NIH, & the FDA are continually rejecting any facts that any World Class Medical experts present to us. So shut up peasants, & get your periodical boosters.

Covid vaccines, viruses, MRNA, and spike protein discussion MAY now be obsolete.

HIGH-level med-scientists/doctors (incl Dr. Wagh Phdx2 - virology and immunology, Dr Yeadon, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Cahill & ors) state, that there are no respiratory viruses - viruses are non-existent - cf Dr’s Sam & Mark Bailey & ors).

Bogus PCR & face diapers do nothing but cause harm. ONE: Med-scientists have found a "unique type of protein" in synthetic venom (snake/other). See Italian study: "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and fecal samples from Covid-19 patients". Synthetic venom is easily dispersed in water, air, food & toxshots/boosters. TWO: Med-scientists have found many toxic heavy metals including reduced graphene oxide in every toxshot/booster no matter what brand (2300+ tested- 20+ scientists in universities/labs world wide), and along with nano hydrogel particles = systemic inflammation, organ, and neurological damage- blood clotting etc. THUS: synthetic venom + toxshots graphene oxide + heavy metal toxicity (+ 5G) = emergent chronic illnesses - “long covid”, fatigue, infertility, miscarriages, cancers, diabetes, heart damage – myocarditis etc, blood clotting, string clotting, HIV, autoimmune & prion disease, neurological problems, shingles, superflu, chickenpox, monkeypox, etc., immune system failure, death - sudden in adults and children. Unvaccinated get similar sicknesses by transmitting graphene oxide through breath and skin - the blood of unvaxxed children living with vaxxed parents have graphene oxide assembled in their blood (Dr. Hoffe and Ors).

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