John Kerry Attempts To Praise Biden But Just Ends Up Proving How Disastrous His Presidency Has Been

9 months ago

The Biden White House's "climate czar" John Kerry is in Davos, Switzerland with a lot of his eco-hypocrite globalist elite pals trying to plot a future where the rubes subsist on a diet of insects and living in unheated caves while they get to keep flying around on their private jets and dining on filet mignon. During a break from another Davos meeting that has a Godzilla-sized carbon footprint, Kerry had this to say in an attempt to make a pitch for Biden's reelection: As the world continues to descend into chaos, John Kerry claims Biden "has done an extraordinary job of holding people together" and "simultaneously managing several other potentially explosive situations."

Yep, nobody explained how the wheels completely came off after Biden took office quite like John Kerry. Hopefully the Biden campaign sends Kerry out on the road soon to let everybody know what's happened since Biden entered the White House. 😂 With campaign surrogates like this who needs enemies! None of those "potentially explosive situations" existed until Biden took office (not to mention the border disaster, massive inflation, etc.) so thanks for pointing that out, Mr. Kerry. Also, it looks like there's a lot of "global boiling" going on in Davos at the moment. It's a great time for the "Al Gore Effect" to kick in.

Twitchy: John Kerry Attempts to Praise Biden but Just Ends Up Proving How Disastrous His Presidency Has Been

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