🚨🇨🇳TAIWAN🇹🇼:::"By June" - "Very Short Window" - "APRIL!" (facts list)

8 months ago

Have you been following / reading descriptions? Better START! listening.
HERE is the scoop, right or wrong. PRAY that I'm wrong, PLEASE! I want to be!
1. A or THE Covenant with Death signed on 12/12/23, a 7 year agreement/pact
called "The Strengthening of International Cooperation", in which they use the word "TRIBULATION" (predictive messaging)* and warn to "EXPECT global conflict". Do the MATH 🧮! 2023 + 7 = Agenda 2030
Proof: https://rumble.com/v3k62y8-final-countdown-the-most-important-snippet-youll-ever-see-today.html
< https://www.weforum.org/publications/principles-for-strengthening-global-cooperation/ >
< https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global_Action_Group_Principles_2021.pdf >
< https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112092 > MIGRATION

2. PASSOVER 2024, APRIL 22-30 to SUKKOTH 2027, OCTOBER 15-22
equals 3.5 yrs. / 42 mos. / 1260 days.. exactly.
REVELATIONS 11:2-3; 12:6,14; 13:5

< https://rumble.com/v46b1ff-ww3-trigger-plan-for-the-u.s.a..html >

1. A 7 year pact has been signed.
2. the timeline fits the Holy Convocations (rehearsal / prophetic foreshadowing of things to come, perfectly.
3. Agenda 2030 is real.

Say it one more time!
We are saved from the WRATH of God, not from martyrdom.
WRATH = 2nd Harvest of Grapes and Vines, 7 Censers and final Great Quake
Yes, you will find the "wrath" mentioned elsewhere, such as Rev. 6
You must know how keywords ties the pieces of the puzzle together.
Plus, 4 horsemen, interlude. 4 trumpets, interlude, etc.
Example: Find where each the 3 WOES are actually proclaimed as finished!
Martyrdom is mentioned throughout Revelations.
Matthew 24 parallels Rev. 6 and warns us of this.
That is one most important reason it was provided to us as a BLESSING!
So that we would not lose faith, no matter what.
Face death with courage. NO FEAR!
We all die. Few ever truly live.
Messiah died for us. We should be willing to die for and in his name.
This does not mean you can not defend your life, for which he died for.
Yet, it wasn't our mortal life he died for, but for our everlasting life.

Don't look for your own nor ANY other human to save you, or for salvation, to be your Savior. When you see "Christ" in this verse, even if your translation says "Messiah" or "Jesus"/ "MY NAME" replace it with the word SAVIOR or SALVATION..
MAT. 24:23-25
His actual name, Y'shua, literally means and was and is "Yah's SALVATION"!
Use a translator to verify, confirm and prove it. Use "Salvation".
Messiah, Mt. Moriah, Zechariah, HalleluYAH.

2 Chron. 7:14
Acts 4:12
NUMBERS 6:24-26

Only "just saying" reporting the facts...

No, I am NOT a prophet.
I am a self-studied/taught eschatologist.
No, I am NOT date-setting.
No, I am NOT a fear mongerer.
I am just a NO GOOD servant.

PRAY for me!
Pray for me, as I do for you!
Pray for one another, constantly.
Fate is mortal, Destiny is chosen.
Faith without works, is dead.
We only sleep in death, awaiting one of two resurrections.
Our body returns to the earthly elements and our spirits to the Father creator.

I am not scared, only concerned for all of humanity.
I do not fear anyone who can harm or kill me - my body.
I only fear God who made me a living soul and can destroy it forevermore.
PS. 23
Mat. 24: 9-13
verse 14 > TWO WITNESSES
See "The Twp Witnesses Movie" < YouTube >

STOP listening to clergy - poor shepherds and wolves in sheepskins
who preach for money and worse.
STOP believing mommy and daddy, who inherited lies, and GROW UP!
STOP committing abominations, by celebrating pagan/satanic holidays.
STOP fooling yourself with white-washed excuses!
STOP IT! Only you can STOP IT!

The Kingdom of God is already living within you.
Search for and find the TRUTH, which will set you free from this evil world.
Seek to find and obtain the possession from and OF the Holy Spirit.
You are a temple of spirit, already a "god", in your own right, as a master of your own destiny. Fate is mortal. Destiny is chosen!

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