A talk about energy from Semi Bird.

8 months ago

We have an energy crisis when we should be energy independent!

• I retired from the U.S. Department of Energy as a Director
• I am the only Republican candidate at the top of the ticket who never voted with the Democrats for Cap & Trade
• Repeal Cap & Trade (CCA)
• No more attacks on our hydro-electricity (dams)
• Reverse the regulations preventing natural gas heating and appliances
• Invest in Portable Nuclear (Small Nuclear Reactor Technology)
• Invest and restructure our energy grid substation network
• Rebuild our ferry fleet with hydro-diesel power not electric which is twice the cost
• No mandatory electrical vehicles for citizens, but freedom to choose electrical options
• No more inexperienced career politicians.
• We need career Americans with the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities to do the job. Leadership matters, our citizens matter!

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