Semen Retention_ Powers of Superb Manhood (1900). Evils of Masturbation, Ugliness, Weakness, Tips.

1 year ago

Semen Retention_ Powers of Superb Manhood (1900). Evils of Masturbation, Ugliness, Weakness, Tips.
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~This video explores the ancient practice of semen retention, which involves abstaining from ejaculation in order to harness the powerful energies within male sexual fluids. Known as "superb manhood" in certain spiritual traditions, this practice has been associated with numerous benefits, ranging from increased physical vitality and mental clarity to heightened spiritual awareness and emotional resilience.

However, many men struggle with implementing this practice due to societal pressures, peer influence, and addictive behaviors such as pornography and masturbation. In this enlightening video, we delve into the negative consequences of excessive ejaculation, including weakness, ugliness, and loss of motivation and drive.

But fear not – we also provide practical tips and guidance for those seeking to embrace the powers of semen retention and unlock their true potential as men. From setting achievable goals and finding healthy outlets for sexual energy to overcoming temptations and staying accountable, our expert advice will help you navigate the challenging waters of semen retention and emerge stronger, healthier, and more virile than ever before.

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