News from Maui - More Deep-State Corruption

1 year ago

For those who have no idea what happened in Lahaina, Maui, the homes of many people, and many people themselves were incinerated by a DEW attack, that's a Directed Energy Weapon attack. DEWs can be electromagnetic, microwave, or Laser. It was a laser DEW that hit Lahaina. Maui is also home to a US Space Force (USSF) Base. All the houses and cars were incinerate, and the school was told to close before the event so all the children were at home at the time of the attack. The island was full of deep-state FEMA officials, who along with corrupt police blocked off the roads, prevented people leaving the burning inferno and forcing them back inside the death trap. Many people fled to the sea to avoid being burned alive, but even boats were hit. Cars that were blue in colour and other items that were blue escaped, as this is due to the frequencies affected by the laser. Pedophiles from Hollywood such as Oprah Winfrey and "The Rock" shed their crocodile tears for the los of homes and lives but their own beachfront properties were totally unscathed. Trees also avoided being incinerated, classic DEW attack. White Hat military had many shootouts with FEMA scumbags, FEMA are the deep-state scumbags who have a habit of robbing the homes of people fleeing "natural disasters" on command from FEMA officials. Feel free to read the trial transcripts of ex-FEMA Director Brock Long, who was executed at Gitmo, you can find it on ....Oprah is currently enjoying a break down there, she'll get her tribunal soon enough.

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