The story of Couy Griffin needs to be heard by every American.

11 months ago

Brandon Straka - The story of Couy Griffin needs to be heard by every American. Couy is the first American since 1869 to be removed from elected office for “insurrection”. Couy was a duly elected County Commissioner in New Mexico who received a misdemeanor trespassing charge for being OUTSIDE the Capitol…

The left tried to have Couy recalled after J6- but his constituents VOTED to have him remain in office.

The “protect our democracy” zealots didn’t like the way the voters voted, so decided to subvert democracy by using the courts to have Griffin labeled an “insurrectionist” and removed from office under the 14th Amendment.

It worked.

Now, leftist activist lawyers are using the precedent set by the Couy Griffin case to have Donald Trump permanently barred from office.

This story needs to be heard by everyone. Scroll down for more videos on Couy as he tells his story...

The left will destroy every trusted institution in their craven, unhinged mission to stop free Americans from voting for Donald Trump under the guise of “protecting free and fair elections”.


SEE ALSO: Couy Griffin, January 6th Political Prisoner Tells His Story


X22 SPOTLIGHT | Couy Griffin - The Tyrannical Government Is Coming After Cowboys

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