I AM UNAFRAID Complete Music Videos | DrJay!

1 year ago

This is the complete collection of (5) music videos in the I AM UNAFRAID research-based, self-empowering, anti-bullying series that reduces bullying on average of 50% (as much as 80%)!

The UNAFRAID acronym teaches kids to:
A - Avoid Bullies
F - Find a Friend
R - Report Bullying
A - Act Confident

And when they've learned it, they have a new ID...they are UNAFRAID!

Writer/performed - Jay Banks
Art/animator - David Pines
Music/producer - David Browning
Senior Editor - Sam Loveall
Co-Writer/Editor - Phil Card
Background vocals - Cyndi Clower & Jay Banks
Guitars - Dan Strain
Rap - Travis Jenkins
Additional background vocals - 2011-2012 Summit High School cheerleaders, football & wrestling squad and coaches, Davita Dantzler & Caitlin Parham (Spring Hill, TN)

DrJay! is especially made for pre-K through elementary schoolers that will engage, educate and empower moral character in order to create a compassionate, caring society. For over 40 years my presentation philosophy has remained the same, "If they LAUGH, they LISTEN. If they LISTEN, they LEARN.”

Here’s a quick bio:
-- Ph.D. in Education - Professional Studies in Education
-- Masters in Curriculum & Instructional Technology
-- Bachelor of Science in Education

-- Appeared on Nickelodeon, Hallmark Channel, Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS
-- Written with Phil Card at Disney Productions
-- Music video "E-I-O My Goodness" won a PROVA Gold Award for "Best Production"
-- Former songwriter with A&M Records
-- Presenting over 40 years in 45 states

-- "I AM UNAFRAID Self-empowering, Research-based, Anti-bully Series." 2015, Hardback print. Available at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and Amazon.com
-- "Elementary and middle school bullying: A Delphi analysis of successful prevention programming". Capella University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011

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