Fearless buffalo bull stands his ground against hungry lions

1 year ago

The video shows two male lions, getting a big surprise when they attempt to catch a lone buffalo bull.
Lions are the top predators in the African wild and live at the top of the food chain. Lions are also the biggest cats in Africa, needing reasonable sized prey to hunt and feed on. Hunting small prey is not worth all the energy for a lion, so they always focus on the bigger animals such as buffalo, elephant, and giraffe. Hunting big prey animals is a big reward for a hungry pride of lions, but hunting these larger animals also come with huge risks. Animals such as elephants and buffalo are not easy to take down and they can inflict serious injuries to lions, especially the buffalo with its dangerous horns. Many a lion has been killed or stampeded to death by these animals. Lions are on average only forty percent of the time successful in their hunting attempts, with so many things that go wrong for lions during the other sixty percent of the time. The two male lions shown in this video was stalking a lone buffalo bull which was lying down in a mud wallow. The one male lion sneaked up from behind with the buffalo unaware of what was coming. The male lion slowly laid his paw on the buffalo, as if to check if it was alive. The buffalo bull was very alive indeed and like lightning, jumped up and around, back onto his feet, ready and alert. The lions got a huge fright. The buffalo then charged at the nearest male lion at full speed. The other male lion ran far off while the buffalo charged after the remaining lion. Everything came to a standstill, the animals taking a breath and all staring at each other from a distance. This staring continued for a while before the lions eventually gave up and moved on. Incredible how this buffalo bull survived this ordeal by just his sheer ferocity and ultimate will no to die on that day.

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