My vision of armegeadon! Adam and eve in the garden mocked by magazine with Kloe K eating the apple!

1 year ago

We idolize people like the Kardashians who give us unattainable beauty standards and now Kloe does a photo shoot with the serpent in the garden with her eating the apple. We discuss here Ahab and Jezzebel and the prophet Elijah on Mt Carmel when Elijah takes the false prophets of Baal up to see who can bring fire down from the sky. We go in depth about Elijahs journey and his very human emotions a lot of us can relate to. Also video clips of a giant skull and rib rack and legs in the middle of nowhere caught by a woman riding a train and night vision goggles the Military used in Vietnam that they no longer use. You will see why. As always discern for your own self.

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