New Orleans born author Nancy Potter talks about her latest release “Barbour’s Cut” !

1 year ago

New Orleans born author (now living in Houston) Nancy Potter talks about her latest release “Barbour’s Cut” about her great-grandfather Clyde Barbour with boundless ambition while living and working on the flatboat on the Mississippi River with adventures similar to Mark Twain! Nancy combines family lore, documented facts, and her expansive imagination describing Clyde as a self-educated man of culture, love of architecture, design and the arts; a successful businessman pioneering the American industry and more! Barbour also dealt with significant life challenges including family alcoholism, jealousy, dealing with Mexican revolutionaries, plus Nancy also talks about working on Capitol Hill formulating ways to explain the intricacies of a new expansive project, working in the garment industry designing maternity clothes in a limited market and her son born with a rare genetic skin disease Epidermolysis Bullosa (E.B.)!  Check out the amazing release from Nancy Potter on all major platforms and today! #nancypotter #author #neworleans #houston #barbourscut #clydebarbour #greatgrandfather #mississippi #marktwain #familylore #americanindustry #capitolhill #mexicanrevolutionairies #epidermolysisbullosa #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnernancypotter #themikewagnershownancypotter

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