"A Suspicious Gift" by Algernon Blackwood

1 year ago

While this story is listed in the "ghost stories" section of my book, it clearly is not a ghost story. I still liked it regardless. Hopefully you also enjoy it!

$10,000 from 1906 could be worth today anything from $336K to $8.1 million. But we've seen several times now instances we could demonstratably prove these inflation adjustments always tend towards the lower end of the range. So call it an even $350K. A useful sum of money!

The crime wave hinted at there in New York City around 1900 presumably refers to the Blank Hand (Mano Nera) exortion racket.

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/14471/14471-h/14471-h.htm#chapter8

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