This chart needs to be shared everywhere. It shows how truly dangerous the COVID shots are.

1 year ago

Drug Adverse Event Comparison (01/01/1996 - 12/29/23):
Ivermectin - 4,297
HCQ - 29,415
Flu Vaccine - 223,663
Dexamethasone - 113,686
Tylenol - 139,025
Remdesivir - 9,478
COVID Vaccines - 1,621,120
Naysayers will say this number is so high because billions of COVID-19 shots were administered. However, Senator Ron Johnson ran a calculation, and he found that the COVID shots were 55 times more lethal (25.1 vs 0.46 deaths per million doses) than the flu vaccines.
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Ramaswamy Shoots Himself In the foot- But then does the right thing- Drops out and endorses President Trump
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Just to get away from reality. Fantastic link.
When you just need a good old scare and a laugh...

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