Market Update: 2 & 10 Year Treasuries are Uninverting and Normalizing: in History this a Disastrous!

1 year ago

Market Update: 1/16/2024

I have been watching the inverted yeild curve normalize and uninvert.

This could be bad if the 2-year moves up and stablizes around 5 or 6% and the 10-year melt-up above it to possibly, 6 or 8%, or even higher.

This would force all commercial, housing, auto, credit cards to move up to unsustainable levels for most people. Causing a huge percent of defaults in all classes.


2-year moves up to 6%
10-year melts up over the 2-year and stabilizes around 8-10%.
*So now the curve is uninverted again after 16 months of inversion.
Your loans on cars and housing would be in the 12-14% rate or higher.
Credit cards and student loans would move up also.
* 7-year loans from regional banks would come in for restructure and rates could be 2 to 3 times higher than when the original loan was secured.

Defaults will flood the banks and many will become insolvent quickly.
Larger banks canabalize them into their structure.
Large banks get bigger and have more control.
You rent and own nothing.

Date to watch as we move forward -

Sept. 18 - Oct. 9, 2023 - ramp up of attacks on both Israel on Hamas and Turkey on Kurds.
Oct. 7, 2023 - an attack by Hamas on Israel.
Oct. 9, 2023 - a counter attack and start of invasion into Gaza by Israel.
Oct. 31, 2023 - Yeman Houthis enter the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Nov. 3, 2023 - Hezbollah enters the Israel-Gaza conflict.

* Watch Dates: Jan. 6 - Feb. 5, 2024. Major acceleration in Middle East War.
* Watch for an attack on Israel from Hezbollah & an invasion by Turkey into Syria against the Kurds-Medes.

Jan. 15, 2024 - 10 Tevet - A siege on Jerusalem by proxies of Iran (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi's, Iraq, Syria). Another possible date this could happen on is 1/15/2024. The original siege on Jerusalem in 588 BCE was on Jan. 15 based on the information I could find.

Jan. 30, 2024 - Possible destruction of the 10-nations that attack Israel.
* Possible 6th Seal Event.
Feb. 5, 2024 - Possible rising of Antichrist & a signing of the 7-year Treaty with the Nations.

Paradigm Timeline Link - This is a new link updated 1/1/2024
God bless.

Time is short.

Repent and get right with Jesus.

Jesus is the only open door to the creator.

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