It's About The Energy...!

1 year ago

In this video i talked about how The Land Has An Energy 'Unique' from anywhere else and it is absorbed by the people who live on the land and how i absorbed that energy travelling across 3,000 miles of North America.
It affected me but it did not mix well with the energy of where i came from in South Manchester and it needed to be let go..!
In the last dance video where they do The Hakka there are the mauri's and mixed races and others along with the descendants of white settlers and immigrants and some people would say that other people who are not Mauri's doing The Hakka is culteral Appropriation But all those born in New Zealand are CHILDREN of HE ENERGY...!So The Hakka is the dance of The Land they were born in, and you can see and feel that as you watch them as they all perform the Hakka...
The Energy is more powerful than politically correct people can imagine and God put that energy in The Land all around The Earth so that people will learn to value the land/the earth... and have a deep rooted feel for where they orginate.
So when you see White South Africans whose history goes back generations they are People of South Africa and they are as much a part of the land as The Black South Africans
This is the same for the Pakistani People living in England Scotland and Wales The energy is stronger than their political and religious personality that they are trying to force on others and use to dominate others.
The generation who came here do not belong here BUT those born here are now a part of the energy of this land like the whites & others born in New Zealand and South Africa & Rodesia....
GOD knew they would be born here and God had/has a plan for every individual for their life starting from the moment they are born, and why would God have in God's plan that they Harm Others...!
2nd generation immigrants struggle with the energy of The Land and their parents who cling to the memory's and energys of the land where they came from where they were meant to stay as Gods plan was for them to i9mprove the world from Their Individual place/centre of Existance.
The modern world has complicated the world in so many ways BUT thats not God's problem it is ours, we have to learn to link with God The Inner Voice and learn to understand/realise how and why this energy is in the land and how it works with us and for us and our Spiritual Self.

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