Another Crow Drops off info. Slow and low.

1 year ago

Same video. Just did this one. Hadn't seen it before. Thought I'd share. And fyi, pigeons and crows are the only ones I've noticed with this craziness. And the pigeon was a turtle dove. I think. I in no way think ALL birds are in on it. Good times. Annnd though I may joke a little, this is serious stuff. I honestly don't think many people have seen this kind of crazy. But, believe it or not, "they" have told us about it. In the usual ways. Lies mixed with truth. Little here and a little there. Just like that 'birds aren't real' movement. That dude played the part of a believer for a few years. Then came out and said he was paid to do it by his daddy's company. It's on YouTube. Cutting out the lies ain't always easy.

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