The Tita RDTA Borotank from Veepon - Veepon bring the RDTA to the borotank market

1 year ago

The Tita RDTA Borotank from Veepon is something a bit different when it comes to Borotanks in the market. Taking the RDTA system (coil at the top, tank at the bottom) system which dates back to the old iJoy/Limitless teamup, they have essentially made an RDTA system...but inside a borotank.


00:00 - Intro and specs
01:00 - Close Up
15:00 - Vape
18:00 - Thoughts

As always with a Vaping With Vic review, you know that I have tested this item for three to seven days, instead of reviewing it the day after it comes in...this channel always tests items first before reviewing.

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Vaping With Vic is a registered business in the United Kingdom. The reviews fall in line with the United Kingdoms TRPR Act of 2016 under the relevant sections pertaining to ECig devices.

All reviews are recorded in a rented studio registered to the company. Vaping With Vic does not work for any ECig company and is an independent reviewer and the reviews on the channel are not "paid for" or "sponsored" reviews.

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