Debunking High Cholesterol and Statin Drugs

1 year ago

In a world where confusion is strategically wielded as a product and fear is employed as a tactic, it becomes imperative to untangle the intricacies surrounding health, specifically the narrative around cholesterol and medications. Join me on this exploration where we delve into centuries-old beliefs, scientific definitions, and the often obscured truths about our bodies.

Centuries ago, when lightning struck and a tree in the rain burned, people attributed it to the wrath of their gods, living in perpetual fear. Today, amidst policy, votes, popularity, and an avalanche of information, it's crucial to discern fact from fiction.

Merriam-Webster defines science as the pursuit of knowledge through tested methods, emphasizing the importance of challenging rather than blindly trusting. In this era of information overload, skepticism becomes our compass, intuition our guide, and common sense our ally.

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