Homeless 9-1-1

1 year ago

(Start with Handheld-Ambulance-with-Lights mp4 video only :14 and my audio behind it.)

D.O.A. A pedestrian crossing the street is tragically struck and killed. Typically, the police or EMT’s locate a driver’s license or ID card and the next of kin rush to the hospital.

(Insert crash site street view of Abel collecting Spoon’s toys and glasses used in the Homeless APB video)

But often, that’s not what happens when the victim is homeless.

Listen to this eye-opening story from Hickory, North Carolina.

A 30-plus-year veteran of the streets…nicknamed “Spoon”, real name, Michael Squire…was struck and killed by a 79-year-old driver, last night.

(Start video from IMG_1970 of the friends at the table with no audio)

Our friend Jerry and his homeless friends got the word while celebrating their mealtime fellowship at Golden Corral, today. All three friends were crushed.

IMG_1970 (:39 gap…start at :20 “My name is Abel Petty”….out at :59…”the car kept going.”)

Details of the accident made everyone want to cry…especially when Abel talked about Spoon’s mentally handicapped “street son.”

IMG_1970 (:33 gap…start at 1:17 “He was pushing a grocery cart…out at 1:50…”planning his funeral arrangements.”)

A story about the death of a homeless person nicknamed “Spoon” is being prepared by the town’s local newspaper, “The Hickory Daily Record.” We trust they will show the late Michael Squire the proper love and respect he is due. Because that’s how Spoon’s homeless friends all remember him.

Abel recalled…

IMG_1970 (:09 gap…start at 1:54…”Spoon was the kind of person…out at 2:03…”let you sleep in his tent.”

Later that day, Jerry caught up with two more of Spoon’s homeless friends No Start and Savannah who paid their respects. Jerry asked No Start…

IMG_1971 (:40 gap…:18 this clip & :22 clip below…start at :08 “Did you know spoon?”…stop at :26 “Kind of expendable I guess…”


IMG_1971 (Start at 1:33…“Could you tell us a little bit more about Spoon?”…out at 1:55 “He’ll be missed.”)

Then, it was Savannah’s turn.

IMG_1971 (:11 gap…start at :35 “I haven’t known Spoon for very long.”…out at :46 “girlfriend is okay.”)

No Start revealed the times that he has been struck by hit-and-run drivers.

IMG_1971 (:08 gap…start at 2:14 “I’ve been run over a couple times”…out at 2:22 “all the way to my knees.”)

Sidestepping speeding cars on street corners is not the only challenge faced by the homeless. Savannah recalls…

(IMG_1971 :21 gap…start at 1:09 “My best friend got attacked by a machete on Black Friday, this year”…out at 1:30 “doesn’t remember the attack.”)

Spoon’s friend, Angi, summed up his loss, best.

IMG_1970 (:03 audio from video…Start at 2:46 “We love you, Spoon. We miss you….kill audio at 2:49 after “miss you” but leave video running and shift it to the left side of the screen with the right side containing the Cash App donation ID numbers to help with Spoon’s funeral and caring for his family.)

To assist Michael Squire’s family and help pay for his final expenses, please donate generously to the following Cash App ID address. It belongs to Angi Blake, Spoon’s friend. Thank you.

(Show on final screen for :05 prior to Jerry’s logo…”Donate to Angi Blake at $letmegoimready.”…and let music background trail out to 4:55)

https://restoringjustice.us/ https://www.classy.org/give/461066/#!/donation/checkouthttps://opinionschannel.com/ https://twitter.com/OpinionsChannel https://rumble.com/user/OpinionsChannel https://www.instagram.com/theopinionschannel/

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