My Best Friend Cheated Death

1 year ago

I want to tell you about my best Friend. Like the title says…”He cheated death.” We’ll get to that in a moment.
But He is also responsible for everything good in my life. When I mess up (and I admit it), He forgives me…every time.
He gives me good gifts, every day…not just on my birthday. And He shows me how much He cares in unexpected ways. He keeps my life fresh, new, and interesting. And I don’t have to earn His love. That’s just Who He is.
I can come and talk to Him anytime…about anything. He never turns me away. And He’s so smart. He always gives me good advice. He’s totally UN-selfish. He only wants what is best for me and the ones I love. He loves them, too.
In the old days, the bad days, before I met my Friend, I tried to figure things out on my own. It never worked out well. Even when I thought I had what would make me happy, it didn’t. I heard lots of wonderful things about my Friend before I met Him. Honestly, He seemed too good to be true. There didn’t seem to be a selfish bone in His body. He was rich but gladly became poor to bless you and me. In fact, He said He would give up all He owned for us…including His life.
And then, He did.
It turns out that was the only way we could be His friends forever, so He was willing to pay that price. And it was a high one. He allowed Himself to be stripped and tortured to pay our legal debts. He was willing to bleed out and die to share with us His eternal life…the God kind of life that qualifies us for Heaven and heals us…spirit, soul, and body here on Earth, as well.
You probably know the name of my friend is Jesus Christ. But do YOU know my friend? Is He YOUR friend, too. That tug you feel right now is Him standing there in front of you, knocking on the door of your heart. He is pleading with you to experience a love you have never known and will not ever know without Him.
Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
When we open that door, He makes our hearts His eternal home. And when we do, you and I also receive the promises of Revelation 3:21, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.”
Do you see that? With Jesus in our hearts, we overcome sin and death, and He considers us kings and priests. Royalty. That’s how He sees us. And what He says is true since He is also God. And He promises never to leave us or give up on us.
That, my friend, is Love.
Once I was convinced, my allegiance became clear. Jesus is the answer…the ONLY answer…and our only path into His peaceful Kingdom.
Jesus alone gives victory in our struggles. He makes a man more precious than fine gold and adorns us with eternal life. He defends us in times of trouble, willingly lifts burdens of guilt, and comforts our sorrows. His presence can prompt a smile in the worst hour. His love gives joy in moments of persecution. He has overcome the world, so we no longer need to fear life, death, or any person. For US, He defeats powers of darkness, clothes us with the power of His clean, righteous robes, and plants us high upon the rock of His absolute security. He lifts us up, making us noble in thought, and mighty in knowledge.
But that’s not all. Jesus will purge this sinful world with judgment, and burning, and that’s a good thing. With His breath He will slay the wicked, cause the arrogancy of pride to cease, and the terribly haughty to be laid low. When Jesus Christ returns to rule over this Earth for 1000 years, He must make it a safe place for His children to live at ease within His Kingdom of peace. At last, a one-world-government arrives with the only One worthy to rule it.

Now you have heard the truth.
If God considers Jesus worthy to rule the entire Earth, do you find Him worthy, able and faithful to guide your life and receive your worship?
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and Savior of the world?
One day, He will return to judge the world, but at this moment, the judgment which matters most is yours.!/donation/checkout

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