Mark Cuban: “You lied out your ass about Pfizer,” & “Only a f***ing moron thinks DEI is about...

1 year ago

O'KEEFE MEDIA GROUP | BUSTED: James O’Keefe works out with @mcuban, asks “Will you hire @WuWei113?”

Cuban tells O’Keefe, “You lied out your ass about Pfizer,” and “Only a f***ing moron thinks DEI has to do with quotas”

Cuban frantically asks, “Where’s your camera at?” Cuban’s trainer grabs a nearby guest’s shirt, seizes their iPhone and deletes the footage. But hidden cameras captured the entire heated exchange.

Mark Cuban, O’Keefe and Elon Musk were in a recent exchange on X about DEI policies with Elon Musk asking Cuban “when should we expect to see a short white/Asian woman to play for his team, the Dallas Mavericks?”

In response to an X post of OMG’s video of IBM CEO engaged in mandatory DEI disorientation, Mark Cuban replied, “do you really think a James O’Keefe edited video is an objective representation of an event?”

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