1 year ago

In tomorrow night's episode of Classified with Richard Willett, out on at 7pm GMT, Joining Richard in this episode is the insightful author Charles Upton, who will unravel the metaphysical and mythological aspects being wielded as tools in a deceptive agenda of alien disclosure.

Richard and Charles delve deep into the timeless fascination of #humanity with the celestial realm, from the dawn of our existence to the enigmatic purple dawn of a supposed golden age, shrouded in myth and mystery.

Throughout history, we've gazed upward to the heavens, venerating the deities of the skies, an act perhaps rooted in the psychology of an infant looking up to its parents for guidance and protection. But times have changed, and we are no longer helpless. We no longer require salvation. Could it be that our persistent belief in needing saviours has made us susceptible to manipulation by the modern-era satanic priest class?

As empires have risen and fallen, religions and cults have ebbed and flowed, and gods have both perished and resurrected. Humanity has often surrendered its power to anyone who claims to be a saviour. Today, we're urged to place our trust in science, unwittingly opening the gates for #transhumanists to ascend to a position of influence. But who might these transhumanist’s ultimately serve? Could it be the ancient #extraterrestrial beings of antiquity?

Official UFO disclosures are riddled with perplexing contradictions, with former military officers coming forward with astounding tales of their experiences in hidden underground bases.

Don’t miss tomorrow’s Classified out on!

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