Moment a good Samaritan was viciously attacked and almost left for dead

7 years ago

This is the sickening moment a Good Samaritan was beaten and then ran over by a 4x4 vehicle - which ripped his EAR off.

Martin McDonagh, 50, ends the horrifying video footage in a pool of his own blood after minutes earlier trying to stop a drug dealer from bullying two teenagers.

Leeds Crown Court, West Yorks., heard he was then hunted down by thug Nicholas Adair who used his large 4x4 vehicle as a weapon to ram into his already-beaten victim.

CCTV footage played to the court shows how the have-a-go-hero was first savagely beaten when he tried to stop Adair, 28, and another man, Tyrone Gentles, 30, from bullying two teenagers outside a shop.

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