RWB Dallas Rajin 4K res

1 year ago

It's safe to say that I have been dying to film an RWB build for a long time coming now. This being my first documentary film, and first RWB build to go with it, I was super amped to put this together for you guys. The amount of time and energy put into filming and editing this was huge (close to 100 hours in editing time), but the end result I believe was well worth it. I cannot thank David Saslow enough for giving me the opportunity to document his build. I also couldn't have done it without Anthony Purcell (@halcyonphoto), and Sebastian Rodriguez (@srodriguez92). It's funny, stuff like this is so run & gun (Nakai built the Porsche in 1.5 days), that as you are filmin sometimes hard to picture how the end p is going to come out, although there is stuffwould do differently with another build after this experience, I am super happy with how this came out. follow me on Instagram for Porsche and other exotic car content @rwbdarby25

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