Five Delegated Tasks of the Church (Live Service 2024 January 15)

8 months ago

Jesus delegated five specific tasks to His Church. Each of these tasks was for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of Heaven by the authority of Jesus's name and in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Yet the Church has largely failed in its responsibilities historically and presently, resulting in the poor condition of the Church. Riddled with compromise, populated by insincere individuals, resembling a social club over a kingdom, the Church has a form of godliness without power. The Church is a rebellious lot, much like to Laodicean Church in Revelation. This message is an awakening.

Join Dr. Chris Anderson as he brings an awakening message that will stir up your hearts, engage your minds, and challenge your actions. You can be the difference in your community that changes the hearts of believers from rebellion to obedience.

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