BCP: Fiducia Supplicans God’s anathema against Cardinal Besungu

1 year ago

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By authority of the prophetic and apostolic office, in the name of the Triune God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I declare God’s anathema, excommunication from the Church and God’s curse, on Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu. The person concerned has brought on himself the most severe punishment of God, according to Gal 1:8-9, for unity with the agenda of the pseudo pope Bergoglio in the mass promoting of a sodomite anti-gospel. However, he cunningly deceives the bishops and people of Africa into believing him to be a true Catholic bishop. It is, in fact, only his devious strategy to push Bergoglio’s agenda of sodomizing Africa. In doing so, he is collaborating in the transformation of the Church in Africa into Bergoglio’s New Age anti-church, the synagogue of Satan. Besungu is doing this in inner unity with the anathematized pseudo pope. In case Ambongo Besungu dies in this state of obstinacy, hellfire awaits him (Jude 7), which is God’s punishment for promoting sodomy. Therefore, if anyone submits and unites to this apostate Besungu, he places himself under the same God’s anathema – curse. The bishops, priests and believers of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Africa must separate themselves from Besungu as the one who is in rebellion against God and serves Satan by covertly and cunningly promoting sodomy. Besungu’s Masses, priestly ordinations and other ecclesiastical acts are null and void. The blessing bestowed by him is the abuse of God’s name, because the spirit behind Besungu is the spirit of the traitorous apostle Judas.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

14 January 2024

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