Olympian Anthony Watson on never giving up

1 year ago

They tried to cancel Anthony but Olympians know how to keep going. How to pivot and push forward.

"Anthony Watson is a former 2018 Winter Olympian who represented Jamaica as the nation’s first-ever skeleton athlete. However, Anthony was “canceled” when he became passionately outspoken about his conservative values — losing all of his Olympic sponsors as a result. Confronting the intolerant Leftist ideology sent Anthony on a new contest: to fight against the Culture War. By visiting many of our TPUSA chapters on both high school and college campuses, Anthony encourages students through motivational speaking that the choice of standing for the truth is well worth the sacrifice. Anthony enjoys traveling, learning about different campus traditions, meeting new TPUSA student activists, and plans to visit many more campuses as our TPUSA’s newest Contributor."

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