Bioweapons Labs Linked to DoE/PNNL/Battelle | Clintons in Mexico | Washington Underground Wineries

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It's been an interesting few weeks in the news and I wanted to bring some things to your attention that should be gaining more traction in the mainstream and alt-press...but seems to be getting sidelined despite how serious it is....

Why aren't the alt-media outlets discussing BIOWEAPONS LABS connection to OMICROM-COVID and the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory through BATELLE?

Who is running the Media?

Same team connected to the Bioweapons labs in Ukraine...
Same team connected to the creepy Washington State Wineries tied tco James Pettigrew and The Finders Cult since the 70s...
Same team managing the Elon Musk and Kim Dotcom crisis actor narratives...
Same team that creates Mockingbird Journalists to NOT REPORT on what the Leon Mafia is directly involved in...

Same team chock full of Science Applications International Alumni....(SAIC)...same company that managed over 90% of Stargate research (Psi/remote viewing)...and had a CEO named Nazzic it any wonder they got you to believe ELON MUSK is real? or Kim Dotcom is real? They have a fake CEO using the same method as Elon and Kim!

Today...I will take you through articles I did going back years, months...discussing the Washington STATE connection to the Deep STATE. It's not being run from Washington D.C. like you'd assume...this shi* show is being run from Eastern Washington at a little known lab owned by Battelle who hides their activities by managing Department of Energy lab facilities that hide agencies like the National Security Directorate that people have a hard time holding accountable.

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