Psychoanalysis of 'Session of Freud'

1 year ago

"Faced by the inevitability of personal extinction & sensing his powerlessness over the forces of nature, man seeks refuge regressively by reviving the image of the omnipotent & omniscient father of his childhood. The reward for submission & renunciation is participation in God's protecting might & the promise of eventual triumph over all narcissistic insults, especially the forces of repression in the individual & tends to make bearable those necessary instinctual renunciations which make civilized like feasible."
[Legacy of Sigmund Freud, Jacob Arlow, 1956, Ch. 9: The Study of Religion]

"But the writings of Freud which the Nazis saw fit to consign to the fires of their destruction have survived to become a legacy for all mankind."
[Legacy of Sigmund Freud, Jacob Arlow, 1956, Ch. 11: Freud's Literary Style]

"Although his personal views were neither nationalistic nor religious, he felt a strong bond to his own people, the Jews, whose special position in history of Western morality & whose unhappy fate at the hands of Hitler dramatized the challenging questions his searching intellect had posed."
[Legacy of Sigmund Freud, Jacob Arlow, 1956, Ch. 9: The Study of Religion]

"The power of this religious memory to stretch across the centuries & to force the masses under its spell Freud considered truly astonishing."
[Legacy of Sigmund Freud, Jacob Arlow, 1956, Ch. 9: The Study of Religion]

"His goal was to explain the origin of monotheism, the character of the Jewish people, & their relation to the Christian world which persecuted them so persistently... There is truth in religion, he concluded, not material truth but a historical truth- a historical truth whose reverberations from the forgotten past are felt until the present day."
[Legacy of Freud, Jacob Arlow, 1956, Ch. 9: The Study of Religion]

"His [Freud] approach was at the opposite pole from Jung's. The latter used his vast knowledge of mythology & comparative religion in an effort to elucidate the problem of neurosis. So uncertain a basis could hardly appeal to Freud. More mindful than Jung of scientific methodology, Freud drew his conclusions from his clinical work, from his observation on patients, & applying what relearned to the broader problems of religion & mythology."
[Legacy of Freud, Jacob Arlow, 1956, Ch. 9: The Study of Religion]

“I [Jung] was recently reproached with the charge that my teaching of the assimilation of the unconscious, were it accepted, would undermine culture and exalt primitivity at the cost of our highest values.”
[Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Carl Jung, 1933, Dream-Analysis, p. 19]

"Science & theology are two ends of a single truth, but the world will never benefit of their investigations until they have made peace with each other, & labor hand in hand for the accomplishment of the great work - the liberation of spirit & intelligence from the three dimensional prison-house of ignorance, superstition & fear."
[The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 2009 (1931), Introduction]

"The world, consequently, is a compound were in good and evil, light and dark, wisdom and violence, are contending for a victory. And the privilege and duty of each man who, himself, as part of creation, is a compound of Good and Evil – is to elect, voluntarily, to engage in the battle in the interest of the light. It is supposed that with the birth of Zoroaster, twelve thousand years following the creation of the world, a decisive turn was given the conflict in the favor of the good and that when he returns, after another 12 Millenia, in the person of the Messiah Saoshyant, there will take place a final battle and Cosmic conflagration, through which the principle of darkness and the lie will be undone. Whereafter all will be light, there will be no further history, and the kingdom of God (Ahura Mazda), will have been established in its pristine form forever."
[The Masks of God: Oriental Mythology, Joseph Campbell, Ch. 1: Signatures of The Four Great Domains, pg. 8]

"Finally, if one of all those with whom relations are forbidden, as stated in the Torah, e.g., her father or her husband’s father, engaged in intercourse with her, they are executed by the court for engaging in intercourse with her, and she is exempt, because she is a minor. If the girl is less than that age, younger than three years and one day, the status of intercourse with her is not that of intercourse in all halakhic senses; rather, it is like placing a finger into the eye. Just as in that case, the eye constricts, sheds tears, and then returns to its original state, so too, in a girl younger than three years and one day old, the hymen returns to its original state."
[Mishnah- Niddah: 5, by Koren - Steinsaltz]

"Things like radio, can push people up into a new kind of awareness that makes it very difficult for them to relate to other people. Ireland, has shown many responses to this situation, in its reactions with North & South of Ireland, and its relations with England. I mention them because everyone tends to know a bit about them. And it has been irreconcilable to until now, anyway. The English representing the highly literate society and the Irish representing a more oral and much more communal and tribal group."
[Violence As Quest for Identity, Marshall McLuhan, TVO, Canada, 1977]

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